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Overview of the research poster templates

Research poster template overview

The template's main parts

01 - The black bars on each side of the template are outside the template and will not print. If you make a PDF (Save As PDF) they will not be included. 
They contain general information about how to use the template and simple instructions.

02 - This is where you will add the tittle of your poster.

03 - This is where you add your name and the names of members of your team who have worked on your poster.

04 - This is where you add the name of your institution

05 - These are placeholders for your poster's headers. For example: Introduction, objectives, materials and methods, results, conclusions, references and contact information.

06 - This are placeholders for the body of your text.

PowerPoint basics
Our research poster templates are pre-formatted, oversized PowerPoint documents. That means that you have to have Microsoft PowerPoint installed in your computer in order to use them. It also means that you need to have basic PowerPoint skills. 
You would need to know how to:

- Download and save files from the Internet.
- Find, open and save documents from PowerPoint.
- Cut and paste text, import images, charts, graphs and tables.
- Resize and move various elements such as pictures, tables, graphs, etc.